Friday, April 16, 2010


Why not get out of the house & enjoy the beautiful sunshine.....take a drive to Historic Snohomish.....where you can enjoy wonderful shops full of great finds & fabulous food!
If driving isn't your thing you could ride your bike or.............

You could take a boat....although not so sure how that might go!!!

But however it is you decide to go just get there!!!! Timi will be at Annie's selling tickets for the bus ride to the Farm Chicks show!!!! This bus ride is the only way to go...NO BIKES....NO BOATS....just a bus filled with junk queens headed to one of the best junkin shows around!!!
Be sure and tell them I sent you....don't miss out on this great opportunity!!!
Happy Junkin'

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I found quote sometime back and thought that it was very fitting for this glorious holiday..............

It is SO the little things that make up our days, isn't it? Of course there are the BIG things and the in-between things. But I am most grateful for the little things. The things that we do because it is what we do. The day in and day out things-the everyday things. The things that we have done a zillion times before, knowing that they will need to be done a zillion times again. The repetitive solo dance that we do as we twirl through a single day. And when I get fussy and don't want to do some of these things I sternly remind myself how lucky I am to be alive and able to do them. And then I feel grateful again.
note: wonderful clip art came from she always has so many wonderful things to share